Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) and Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD)

Discover the power of cutting-edge inspection with our latest service addition – Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) and Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD). At PSC, we're proud to elevate our offerings to provide top-notch solutions for various industries.

Key Services:
1. PAUT and TOFD Expertise: Utilizing the Omniscan X3 with TFM capability for precise field inspections in industrial settings such as pipelines, oil and gas, shipbuilding, and power generation.

2. Aerospace NDT and NDE Services: Ensuring the highest standards of inspection for the aerospace industry.

3. In-Service Inspection and Corrosion Mapping: Comprehensive solutions for ongoing inspection needs and accurate corrosion mapping.

4. Level 3 Consultancy: Benefit from our expert consultancy services, offering insights and guidance at the highest level.

5. Training Excellence: Elevate your team's skills with our on-the-job training and refresher NDT and NDE courses.